अभयवरदहस्तः पाशदन्ताक्षमाला-
सृणिपरशुदधानो मुद्गरं मोदकं च ।
फलमधिगतसिंहः पञ्चमातङ्गवक्त्रो
गणपतिरतिगौरः पातु हेरम्बनामा ॥
The esoteric form of Srī Heramba Mahāgaṇapati is worshiped three-fold in Pañcāmnāya śrīkrama of Srī Mahātripurasundarī.
In the first of the triad, the śaiva forms are propitiated using five mantras for each of the faces:
1 Prāsāda
2 Vyōmaśambhu
3 Tumburu
4 Paramānanda Bhairava
5 Sadāśiva
In the second category, the Lord is worshipped through five mantras invoking the Great Goddesses:
1 Kāmēśvarī
2 Kuṇḍalinī
3 Kālī
4 Bhuvanēśvarī
5 Siddhilakṣmī
Finally, the worship is concluded with five Gāṇapatya mūrtis:
1 Mahāgaṇapati
2 Vakratuṇḍa
3 Virivīra Vighnēśa
4 Bījagaṇapati
5 Hēramba
The hidden sixth face is of Ucchiṣṭa Gaṇapati whose mantra of forty-one letters invokes the Lord as sadābālarūpī (भजे बालसंज्ञं सदोच्छिष्टनाथम्).