Tutelary āvaraṇas worshiped in Srichakra


In our lineage, Srīcakrārcana involves āvaraṇa pūjā for various other tutelary deities.

1. After the completion of the first half of Srīkrama, one begins with Caturāvṛtti tarpaṇa of Mahāgaṇapati, followed by his pañcāvaraṇa krama.

2. This is followed by the rasāvaraṇa pūjā of Bālā Tripurasundarī. While some worship nine āvaraṇas of Bālā, that is not appropriate here as the deity worshiped here is not Yogabālā (uttarāṅga of Lalitā), but instead is Shaḍakṣarī Bālā, a pūrvāṅga vidyā of Lalitā.

3. Then the Caturāyatana āvaraṇas are worshiped for Prāsāda Shambhu, Nṛsiṃha, and Mārtāṇḍa Bhairava.

4. This is followed by the Pañcāvaraṇa Krama of Medhā Dakṣiṇāmūrti and the Saptāvaraṇa Krama of Svacchanda Bhairava.

5. The Gurumaṇḍala of Kādi Srīvidyā is next propitiated.

6. One then worships the standard nine, ten or sixteen āvaraṇas of Mahātripurasundarī.

7. The deities worshiped next are the Pañcapañcikās, four Samayā deities, and the sixty-four deities of the six āmnāyas. The next set of deities worshiped are: ṣoḍaśa-mūlavidyā, ṣaḍādhāra, ṣaḍdarśana vidyā, ṣaḍadhva vidyā, saptaviṃśati rahasya etc.

8. Before beginning the worship of ūrdhvāmnāya, one completes the āvaraṇas for Rājaśyāmalā, Mahāvārāhī, and Parā Bhattārikā.

9. The first activity of ūrdhvāmnāya krama is the worship of the 360 raśmis of Shaḍanvaya Mahāśāmbhava krama.

10. This is followed by the single āvaraṇa for Kāmakalā.

11. Next in line is the worship of the six āvaraṇas of ūrdhvāmnāya proper that follow the order of Mahāṣodhā nyāsa. Based on the day of the week, this āvaraṇa can be that of Ugratārā, Bhuvaneśvarī, Dakṣiṇā Kālī, Navaratna Kubjikā, Pañcakrama Guhyakālikā, Shoḍaśī and Mahāṣoḍaśī.

12. The final three āvaraṇas are for Subrahmaṇya (six for saguṇa Subrahmaṇya and six for nirguṇa Brahmaṇya), Ucchiṣṭa Mahāgaṇapati – Nīlasarasvatī and finally Triśakti Chāmuṇḍā. No other āvaraṇas are to be worshiped after Chaṇḍī as she marks the grand culmination of Saparyā.

13. If time and inclinations permit, one can also include the āvaraṇas for the guardian deities of the ten directions, after the worship of Mahāgaṇapati and Bālā: Sudarśana Nṛsiṃha, Mahāsudarśana, Kārtavīryārjuna, Svarṇākarṣaṇa Bhairava, Aghora, Pāśupatāstra, Sharabheśvara, Vanadurgā, Shūlinī, and Pratyaṅgirā.

This elaborate procedure is too lengthy for everyday execution, but the upāsaka is advised to practice them at least during the Pañca parvas.

